Our response to COVID19

The QA Commons is mindful of the dramatic and transformational impact COVID-19 is having on all institutions of higher education. As an organization, we are adapting our services to support preparing graduates for the workplace that is now changing more precipitously than ever.


Career Services

Reimagining the Career Center

A free downloadable white paper, written for Entangled Solutions, by Jeff Selingo, the author of two New York Times bestsellers, College (Un)Bound and There Is Life After College. The paper develops a case for restructuring the “outdated career office” model and identifies five key strategies for a successful restructure.

The Career Leadership Collective

The Career Leadership Collective is a solutions group that focuses on the practical and inspirational aspects of leadership and innovation in college and university career services arena.

National Association of Colleges & Employers — NACE

NACE’s mission is to empower the community of professionals focused on the development and employment of college-educated talent with relevant data, resources, training, insights and relationships, while serving as the collective voice for the profession.

  • NACE Career Readiness Competencies Through a task force of college career services and HR/staffing professionals, NACE has developed a definition and identified 7 competencies associated with career readiness.
  • NACE Career Readiness Resources The career-readiness resources offered here are designed to support your efforts in integrating career readiness into your programs and services.
  • NACE Internship Resources White papers and research reports about internships.

First Jobs Matter: Avoiding the Underemployment Trap

A 2018 study by the Strada Institute for the Future of Work finds there is no more pivotal moment in an individual’s career than the handoff between education and work and that the first job is a high-stakes decision, and one that graduates, parents and educators should treat accordingly.

LinkedIn Resource for Students

Resources to let students know the benefits of a LinkedIn profile and presence, and to help them get started

LinkedIn Resources for Job-Seekers

Free training content and curriculum to support job seekers

Career Exploration in College

This 2020 Inside Higher Education article notes students’ frustration around lack of career exploration in college, with some universities seeking a bigger role for professors as career mentors.

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