Our response to COVID19

The QA Commons is mindful of the dramatic and transformational impact COVID-19 is having on all institutions of higher education. As an organization, we are adapting our services to support preparing graduates for the workplace that is now changing more precipitously than ever.


Noteworthy New Certified Program – MSU Public and Community Health

Today’s public and community health professions require a broad range of skills and knowledge, whether working in a hospital, at a nonprofit, or with another health-focused organization. Murray State University’s BS in Public and Community Health (PCH) uniquely prepares students to gain skills for and navigate the vast array of options for their future careers so they can be leaders in addressing the healthcare challenges of tomorrow. QA Commons is thrilled to award the PCH program with an Essential Employability Qualities Certification (EEQs) to show the deeply intentional work MSU has done to prepare future health leaders.

The PCH program offers a dynamic major that is interdisciplinary in nature and provides options that allow students to prepare for various careers in public and community health organizations, such as hospitals, governmental agencies, non-profits, and worksite wellness programs. In particular, students take coursework where they learn not only about the scientific and business challenges of the health sector, but also gain significant experience developing skills in communications, adaptability, and ethics.

QA Commons found the PCH program exceptionally impressive in the way it weaves in EEQs like Learning & Adaptability and Motivation & Initiative, which have proved difficult for other academic programs to embed in their curricula.

Outside of the curricular aspects of the program, students are offered significant career support services. Students participate in both a senior seminar and an internship where they discuss the ins and outs of finding and thriving in jobs; gain practical experience in the field; and spend time discussing, reflecting, and making presentations on their time in the field.

The PCH program is able to stay extremely relevant in these areas because of its deep connections with public health organizations and leaders in the state. PCH works closely with these employers for internship placements, program evaluation, and information about new developments in the field.

Through all of MSU’s work in the PCH program, QA Commons sees significant efforts to engage students in learning about not only the knowledge required for a career in public and community health, but also the technical, communicative, and relational skills that are key to success in that field. They have intentionally built in employability qualities throughout the curricular and extra-curricular aspects of their program. Murray State shows, once again, that they are leading in providing a rounded education to its students that prepares them for the current and future professional landscape. Congratulations!


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