Our response to COVID19

The QA Commons is mindful of the dramatic and transformational impact COVID-19 is having on all institutions of higher education. As an organization, we are adapting our services to support preparing graduates for the workplace that is now changing more precipitously than ever.


New Resource: The Cocurricular Career Connections Leadership Model

We just added a great new resource over on the EEQ Resources page:

Connecting Bridges: The Cocurricular Career Connections Leadership Model by Adam Peck and Michael Preston. (NACE Journal, August 2018). The C3 model offers a structure for bridging and integrating a variety of experiences on and off campus, including:

  1. Connecting cocurricular learning to classroom learning
  2. Connecting experiential learning to learning in structured leadership development programs
  3. Connecting learning in college to learning throughout one’s career

Check it out!


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