Our response to COVID19

The QA Commons is mindful of the dramatic and transformational impact COVID-19 is having on all institutions of higher education. As an organization, we are adapting our services to support preparing graduates for the workplace that is now changing more precipitously than ever.

Essential Employability Qualities (EEQs)

Essential Employability Qualities (EEQs) represent a set of attributes, competencies, and qualities that enable individuals to be successful in the rapidly changing workplace.




  • Expressing ideas and information coherently, specific to the needs of the target audience, verbally and in writing, in person and virtually
  • Utilizing listening and observation skills in order to understand others more effectively
  • Engaging others from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences


  • Engaging with and working effectively in collaboration with others
  • Contributing one’s individual skills and providing constructive feedback
  • Identifying and employing the talents of others to support purpose-driven goals

Critical Thinking

  • Exhibiting curiosity, formulating relevant questions, and engaging in thoughtful, rational inquiry
  • Gathering, validating, synthesizing, and analyzing information in order to extract insights
  • Identifying opportunities and challenges by exploring new connections and imagining possibilities

Creativity & Problem-Solving

  • Brainstorming novel and imaginative ideas that may depart from conventional thinking
  • Generating innovative solutions and approaches to capitalize on opportunities or overcome challenges
  • Assessing the feasibility, effectiveness, and potential consequences of possible solutions

Learning & Adaptability

  • Demonstrating a growth mindset by embracing new perspectives, tools, and strategies with openness and agility
  • Considering individual strengths and areas for improvement per feedback and self-reflection
  • Seeking out and engaging in formal and informal professional learning opportunities

Professionalism & Responsibility

  • Exhibiting behavior that adheres to ethical standards, respectfulness, integrity, and competence in the context of one’s role or occupation
  • Establishing priorities, managing time, and reliably carrying out responsibilities

Motivation & Initiative

  • Independently assessing situations and taking action without external prompting while recognizing the importance of maintaining the integrity of established protocols, especially in professions where altering orders haphazardly can have serious consequence
  • Displaying goal-oriented behavior and striving for excellence and advancement
  • Making connections, building relationships, and exchanging ideas (networking)

Digital Literacy

  • Possessing the ability to use various digital tools, platforms, and technologies
  • Understanding the limits and strengths of various digital platforms and applications
  • Willingness and ability to learn and utilize new systems as they emerge in order to remain productive in a dynamic digital environment

Meta EEQ

Ability to articulate and explain the value of the Essential Employability Qualities!

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