Our response to COVID19

The QA Commons is mindful of the dramatic and transformational impact COVID-19 is having on all institutions of higher education. As an organization, we are adapting our services to support preparing graduates for the workplace that is now changing more precipitously than ever.

Employability Framework

The five Standards of Care provide an evidence-based and consistent framework for delivering employability skills in education and training programs.


Development of EEQs

  • Programs intentionally integrate Essential Employability Qualities (EEQs) throughout the curriculum, providing all students with opportunities to develop, practice, and demonstrate these skills in real-world contexts.

Integrated Career Support Services

  • Students receive meaningful career guidance through structured, equitable access to career exploration, advising, and work-based learning opportunities that support their transition into the workforce.

Employer Engagement

  • Employers and other relevant external stakeholders (e.g., industry representatives, community partners, associations, workforce boards) collaborate with the program to provide meaningful input on the design, delivery, and evaluation of students’ skill development.

Student & Alumni Engagement

  • Programs actively collect, evaluate, and use feedback from students and completers to continuously improve the learning experience and support long-term career success.

Transparency of Outcomes

  • Provides students, parents, and stakeholders with accessible, accurate data on student success, including employment rates, career pathways, and skill development.

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