Our response to COVID19

The QA Commons is mindful of the dramatic and transformational impact COVID-19 is having on all institutions of higher education. As an organization, we are adapting our services to support preparing graduates for the workplace that is now changing more precipitously than ever.

Standards of Care

The standards provide an evidence-based and consistent framework for delivering employability skills in education and technical skills training



EEQ Preparation

  • Addresses integration of Essential Employability Qualities (EEQs) into degree, nondegree and short-term credential training programs
  • Involves work-based learning opportunities
  • Documents learners’ achievement of the EEQs

Employer Engagement

  • Evaluates the extent to which – and how – employers (and other relevant external stakeholders, such as community-based partners, workforce boards, associations, or industry sector representatives) are engaged in an appropriate feedback loop on the design, delivery, and evaluation of EEQs at the degree, non-degree, and short-term credential level

Integrated Support Services

  • Addresses the extent to which all learners are supported in their employability journey
  • Integrates employability support systems into degree, non-degree, and short-term credential programs

Learner Engagement

  • Addresses the collection, evaluation, and use of relevant feedback from current students and from completers as they experience and participate in the world of work

Transparency of Outcomes

  • Addresses the extent to which the organization and its programs are linked to educational attainment, greater economic mobility, and prosperity
  • Evaluates the extent of transparency and reporting of outcomes to learners and the public and how degree, non-degree, and short-term credentials continuously adapt to labor market demands

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